House Tour

Name: Mirjam
Location: Rotterdam, the Netherlands
Square Footage: 1480, 1/3 of which is workspace.
Years Lived in: 5 years
Rent or own: own
Describe your style: eclectic modern vintage

What's your favorite free/found item?
A yellow vintage lamp with two balls that a friend gave to me. The color makes me happy.

What's your favorite purchased item?
Our sixties coffee table with a glass top.

What has been your biggest obstacle in decorating/design?
The fact that we've never been sure whether we were going to stay here. The house has some inconveniences, like the small garden lies 2 floors down from the living room/kitchen and we'd love to live closer to 'outside'. So we never invested much and haven't changed the structure, kitchen and bathroom to our own taste. Another thing are the walls, which are so weak that when you drill a hole to hang some art you blow in it and can almost wave to the neighbours.

Is your design style organic or planned?
Organic. When I bump into something on the flea market of thrift store I may take it home. We only buy newly made items when we need them. A lot is thrifted. I do make textile items to go with the rest, so that's planned:-)

What is your favorite spot in the house?
I would say the couch, but I seem to be spending more time with my laptop at the antique secretaire that I inherited from my great aunt. It's a big heavy palisander thing, but it has the cutest flower pattern made of a lighter shade of wood.

How has your style changed in the past 5 years?
It's become more of a concern to surround myself with a consistent style of my own, when our babies grew and I had more time. Also, I started my line of kids clothing made of vintage fabrics, which I looked for at the flea market. That's where I ran into other gorgeous vintage items which I couldn't resist taking home. I already had a lot from my pre-mommy years and now it starts to blend into a whole.

What is your favorite resource or store?
Flea markets en thrift shops, and Ikea for the clean white touches. Or the bigger items I can't find or afford otherwise.

What is your biggest decorating/design pet peeve?
Brown and beige together with heavy oak furniture. And shiny huge Noe-classical furniture in white or pink!

What has been your favorite design trend?
I'm happy to see so many interiors with vintage elements like mine in mags and on line. It makes me feel all warm and happy to have so much real inspiration around.

What is the biggest influence on your design/decorating style?
Vintage patterns, fabrics and items.

What in your home dictates how you design/decorate?
The lack of space at the moment! If We'd have more space I'd make many more cozy nooks and ceramics groupings:) Our kitchen, dining, play- and sitting area are all in one space, that together with the bathroom fills up our second floor of only 495 square foot/46 m2.

What is the simplest thing you have done that has made the biggest impact?
Paint, paint and paint. My hands are speckled with white as I type. I will finish the staircase and hall doorways tomorrow, after 5 years!

Interested in having your home featured? Upload some pictures to the flickr pool or send me an email.

Photos courtesy of homeowner