Welcome Ladies to my Rooster collection! Barb over at
Bella Vista is hosting this wonderful party today, Thanks so much Barb for all your work in putting this together! Click on her link or the Rooster on my side bar to go see all the other gorgeous collections that everyone put together!
The one above is by far a favorite from my collection, I got him on a little shopping trip in Cold Spring Harbor and have loved him ever since. Most of my Roosters live in the kitchen, right where I can see them every day :) This bowl below was something I saw at Home Goods and when I saw it , I hid it in my cart so no one would tackle me for him :)
Roosters Roosters, everywhere ....
on little lamps:
In frames on the wall....
Up close...
On Tablecloths....
I saw this fabric and just had to have it ....
On signs , a cute one from Farmhouse country Style....
And last but not least , my little guy....
I Hope you enjoyed my Roosters,
Thanks so much for stopping in! now head on over to Barbs party and see all the other fabulous presentations! That's where I'm going now :)
Oh yes, and one last thing....
I hope you have a great weekend Ladies! Hugs,
~ Cynthia ~