This style is a boon when there is limited space. A dining room that shares its space with maybe a study or a library is not a far-fetched concept. The spaces can blend with colors or textures and stand out by their unique functions. A six-seater or a four-seater dining table can be separated from the study/library by being placed on one side of the room or arranged at an angle to create a welcoming niche for the other function. Often, a hutch or a sideboard comes with the dining set. The complete set can be co-ordinated and placed to one side before thinking of the other requirements. A mini study would need a writing table, chair, and a bookcase. Usually, the writing table is positioned near the window, if any. A library may require a couch or two instead of the writing table and chair. Joining the areas together may require something as simple as a large carpet. Alternately, area rugs can divide the two areas.
This concept works with an earthy warm ambiance. Depending on the space available, the shape of the dining table should be rectangular, square, or round. One can opt for bright floor cushions, natural fiber mats, or even triangular Thai cushions. Customized chairs with just the seat and the back are better with a comparatively formal style.