Hello Ladies! Happy Holidays! All through the house ...not a creature was stirring...except me! lol :) I'm getting ready for Christmas and busy busy shopping and preparing... But I wanted to give you a small tour of the trimmings I've started to put out this week. I'll be adding a part 2 next week... I hope the holidays and the preparations are finding you healthy and blessed!
The photo above is of some Xmas tags I picked up at Micheal's craft store, the colors set the mood for my Christmas theme this year: Soft Blue, Reds and sweet Vintage touches! I added some of the tags to my mini Kitchen tree! ( below ) I had been given kitchen ornaments as a birthday gift from my sweet friend Gina and just couldn't wait to use them on the accent tree! They are all cooking utensils and cooking gadgets, I love them :)!

This one below is my Main tree in the family room, this was taken in the day but we all know when the lights go down at night it's transformed into a mini fairy land...

At night the lights just glow through out the whole room, casting memories and fairy dust all around...as a little girl, I used to think fairies lived in our tree and got to sleep inside the ornaments ;) Hmmm, maybe they really do? :) .....One of the outside trees that are decorated is shinning through the bay window, it gives the room even more of a glow at night!

A little more up close....my ornaments range from very vintage , to handmade, to store bought... basically a big eclectic mix, but that's my style anyway , lol, so it might as well carry over to the tree too :)

I collect Santa's and Snow men, so most any table top and shelf gets adorned :)
This is the view ( below ) from inside my kitchen out to the family room...
Another up close of the kitchen tree at night...

opps, I think I did this one below twice, yikes! If I took it out , I'd probably mess up my entire post, lol, sorry...

My favorite room in the house has always been the kitchen....Decorating it at Christmas is completely my favorite thing to do :)... I haven't finished it all yet, but here are some quick shots below of what I've done so far. Hutches make for some great decorating fun, I'm so happy I got a second hutch last summer, now I get to adorn more shelves ... decorating bliss! lol

Last year I bought these ornaments below from Hallmark, well actually they are retired I believe , so I got them off a retired ornament site. But I love miniature's, so I'm so glad I found these, aren't they cute?
Christmas is always like being a kid in a candy shop happy!
Well ladies, it's off to get more decorating and shopping done! I hope you all have a cozy weekend and it's filled with many blessings and love!!!
Happy Holidays to all and to all a good day!!
Love and appreciation , ~ Cynthia ~ XO